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“Commissioning And Initial Performance Of The Lhc BeamBased Feedback Systems”. Kyoto, Japan: IPAC'10, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
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“Commissioning Of Ramp And Squeeze At The Lhc”. In {Proceedings Of Hb2010, Morschach, Switzerland}. {Proceedings Of Hb2010, Morschach, Switzerland}, 2010. http://epaper.kek.jp/HB2010/papers/mopd54.pdf.
. “Continuous Measurement And Control Beta-Beating In The Lhc”. Kyoto, Japan: IPAC'10, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
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“Existing Sps And Lhc Instrumentation For Crabbed Beams”. LHC Crab Cavity Workshop: CERN, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
. “Feedbacks: Status, Operational Dependencies And Outlook For 2011”. LHC Beam Operation Workshop, Evian, France: CERN, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
. “First Iteration On Requirements And System Qualification”. BI-QP: CERN, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
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“Lhc Beam Stability And Performance Of The Q/q' Diagnostic Instrumentation”. Santa Fe, New Mexico: BIW'10, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
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“Lhc Q Stability Revisited”. LHC Beam Commissioning Working Group: CERN, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
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“Q/q' Diagnostics And Feedback Systems”. CERN, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
. “Q/q' During The First Lhc Ramps”. LHC Beam Commissioning Working Group: CERN, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
. “Q(T) And Q'(T) During The Ramp – Revisited”. FIDEL Working Group Meeting: CERN, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
. “Q'(T) Studies During The Ramp”. LHC Beam Commissioning Meeting: CERN, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
. “Status Of Orbit, Q/q' & Coupling Diagnostics And Fb Systems”. unknown: CERN, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
. “Status Of The Investigations Related To The Broad-Band Perturbation Source(S) In The Vicinity Of The Nominal Tune Working Points - Or: 'the Hump'”. LHC Machine Committee: CERN, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
. “Tune Diagnostic Performance During Nominal Ramp”. LHC Beam Commissioning Meeting: CERN, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
. “Tuning The Lhc With A Pc Soundcard”. ANSTO, Lucas Heights, Australia: ACAS, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
. “Tutorial On 'collider And Cooling”. ANSTO, Lucas Heights, Australia: ACAS, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
. “Under The Lhc Bonnet”. ANSTO, Lucas Heights, Australia: ACAS, 2010. doi:SOURCE.
. “Update On: Tune And Chromaticity Measurements During The 10 A/s Ramp(S)”. FiDeL Working Group: CERN, 2010. doi:SOURCE.