Export 205 results:
“Art & Science”. Melbourne, Australia: RMIT, 2012. doi:SOURCE.
. “Bpm Electronics Based On Compensated Diode Detectors - Results From Development Systems”. Conf. Proc. Conf. Proc, 2012, MOPG010. 3 p. http://cds.cern.ch/record/1476070/files/CERN-ATS-2012-247.pdf.
. “End-Of-Year Lhc Beam-Based Feedbacks Software Overview”. BI Technical Board: CERN, 2012. doi:SOURCE.
. “Expected And Measured Behaviour Of The Tune In The Lhc Operation At 3.5 Tev”. Conf. Proc. Conf. Proc, 2012, THPPD025. 4 p. http://cds.cern.ch/record/1470327/files/CERN-ATS-2012-196.pdf.
. “Fast Inter/intra-Bunch Activities Related To Clic And Lhc”. BI-QP: CERN, 2012. doi:SOURCE.
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“Feed-Forward In The Lhc”. Conf. Proc. Conf. Proc, 2012, 5 p.
. “First Experimental Observations From The Lhc Dynamic Aperture Experiment.”. Conf. Proc. Conf. Proc, 2012, TUPPC081. 3 p. http://cds.cern.ch/record/1463302/files/CERN-ATS-2012-161.pdf.
. “Hitchhikers Guide To Accelerators”. Melbourne, Australia: ICHEP'12, 2012. doi:SOURCE.
. “Lhc Beam-Beam Compensator Status And Prototype Specification”. BBC Review: CERN, 2012. doi:SOURCE.
. “Lhc Status And Future Upgrades”. Melbourne, Australia: ICHEP'12, 2012. doi:SOURCE.
. “Overall Feedback Performance In 2011 - Issues And Test Made”. miscellaneous: CERN, 2012. doi:SOURCE.
. “Proposal To Modify The Rt Input Of The Lhc Rf Fgcs To Include An Anti-Aliasing (/low-Pass) Filter”. LHC Machine Committee Meeting: CERN, 2012. doi:SOURCE.
. “Simulation Studies For The Lhc Long-Range Beam-Beam Compensators”. Conf. Proc. Conf. Proc, 2012, TUPPR077. 3 p. http://cds.cern.ch/record/1450938/files/CERN-ATS-2012-074.pdf.
. “Status And Prospects Of Q/q' Measurements”. LBOC: CERN, 2012. doi:SOURCE.
. “Storage Ring Tune Measurements Using High-Speed Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetector”. CERN, 2012. doi:
. “Storage Ring Tune Measurements Using High-Speed Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetector”. In Proceedings Of Ibic2012, Tsukuba, Japan, 537-539. Proceedings Of Ibic2012, Tsukuba, Japan, 2012. http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/accelconf/IBIC2012/papers/tupb84.pdf.
. “Tune System Performance With/without Gating”. LBOC: CERN, 2012. doi:SOURCE.
. “Update On Orbit & Tune Feedbacks”. LHC Machine Committee Meeting: CERN, 2012. doi:SOURCE.
. “Wall-Current-Monitor Based Ghost And Satellite Bunch Detection In The Cern Ps And Lhc Accelerators”. Newport News, Virginia: BIW'12, 2012. doi:SOURCE.
. “Wall-Current-Monitor Based Ghost And Satellite Bunch Detection In The Cern Ps And Lhc Accelerators”. BI Seminar: CERN, 2012. doi:SOURCE.
. “Wall-Current-Monitor Based Ghost And Satellite Bunch Detection In The Cern Ps And Lhc Accelerators”. BI Technical Board: CERN, 2012. doi:SOURCE.
. “Wall-Current-Monitor Based Ghost And Satellite Bunch Detection In The Cern Ps And The Lhc Accelerators”. Conf. Proc. Conf. Proc, 2012, 5 p. http://cds.cern.ch/record/1476075/files/CERN-ATS-2012-249.pdf.
. invited talk at BIW'12
“Wcm-Based Satellite Measurements During The July 2012 Vdm Scans”. LHC Luminosity Calibration & Measurement Working Group: CERN, 2012. doi:SOURCE.
. “Advancements In The Base-Band-Tune And Chromaticity Instrumentation And Diagnostics Systems During Lhc's First Year Of Operation”. Hamburg, Germany: DIPAC'11, 2011. doi:SOURCE.